The main idea of Pomodoro Techniqueâ„¢ is to get things done by staying focused on task for 25-minute indivisible periods of time. Each 25-minute work interval is followed by 5-minute break.
To prevent distractions and force yourself to be focused on task it is recommended to accompany each work interval by "ticking clock". Also it is recommended to restart each work interval from the beginning in case of interruption.
Visit our FAQ section to find out more about the Pomodoro Technique.
Since GTD Timer 2010 the software completely supports Pomodoro Technique out-of-the-box without need for any additional configuration.
There are two new presets in GTD Timer:
These presets are assigned to "Quick Preset A" and "Quick Preset B" buttons by default.
To begin work under Pomodoro Technique guide, just click Work button or choose preset "Pomodoro: Work session" on Start Timer window and click Start button:
...or click Quick Preset A button on Main Timer window (shown in red rectangle):
GTD Timer will start to countdown time left for Work session:
Countdown is accompanied by a ticking sound. When countdown finishes GTD Timer will play alert sound, display message and switch to countdown Break Section time automatically:
As Break Section time passed GTD Timer will automatically restart from Work Session.
You may pause or restart sessions by clicking corresponding buttons on GTD Timer main window.
GTD Timer supports flexible configuration of its default options.
You may find useful to change next options for your personal implementation of Pomodoro Technique: